The DEMCO Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization established in 1997 as a subsidiary of DEMCO to assist members in times of need. DEMCO members can apply for funding of up to $3,000 per calendar year. 

Funded through a voluntary program called Operation Roundup®, DEMCO members throughout our seven-parish service area "round up" their monthly bill to the nearest dollar and contribute that extra change to the DEMCO Foundation. Approximately half of DEMCO members participate each year, and the average contribution by each is $6.00. Since its inception, the DEMCO Foundation has granted over six million dollars to assist DEMCO members through hardship. DEMCO takes great pride in the DEMCO Foundation, as it provides a mechanism for our members to give back to the community.

The DEMCO Foundation will not pay utility bills nor grant money to political issues, candidates, or campaigns. No funds are given directly to the applying individual. Only individuals who are DEMCO members, not groups or organizations, are eligible for funding. 


Only individuals who are DEMCO members, not groups or organizations, are eligible for funding. The DEMCO Foundation will not pay utility bills nor grant money to political issues, candidates, or campaigns. No funds are given directly to the applying individual.

Description of Projects

Examples of some types of assistance granted are:

  • Shelter (rent payments, mortgage payments, etc.)
  • Repairs and maintenance on homes
  • Pharmacy and medical supplies
  • Special assistance in emergencies*
  • School Uniform Program

*The DEMCO Foundation defines an emergency as any natural disaster such as flooding, tornado, house fire, etc.

Apply Online OR  Print Application to Complete 

Upload Documentation

What Happens Next

Upon review and verification of your application, additional documentation may be requested by email.

After our office receives all required documentation, a home visit will be scheduled. After conducting the home visit, the Community Relations Coordinator prepares an assessment for presentation before the monthly DEMCO Foundation Board of Directors meeting. The DEMCO Foundation board will then vote on whether or not to fund each request, and the Community Relations Coordinator will relay the decision to the applicant.  

To contact the DEMCO Foundation office, call (225) 262-2141.

Rhowanda Vessel
Community Relations Coordinator
P.O. Box 15659
Baton Rouge, LA 70895
Phone: 225.262.2141

Chanon Martin
Manager, Member & Community Engagement
P.O. Box 15659
Baton Rouge, LA 70895