Electric Vehicles



DEMCO has assembled an internal research team, the DEMCO EV taskforce, to assess the industry surrounding electric vehicles. Team members from various departments and areas of specialization comprise the "Taskforce."

EV Task Force Areas of Assessment:

  1. Commercial charging station electrical and financial feasibility: load/demand, cost, and locations. We are installing several charging stations open to the public at our member service centers.
  2. Feasibility of DEMCO utilizing electric fleet vehicles in the future. DEMCO will analyze the expenses and maintenance of electric vehicles used.
  3. Future load determinations of residential charging within DEMCO's service territories, which is an area that has yet to receive as much attention from governmental incentives and research.

An electric vehicle (EV), battery electric vehicle (BEV), and plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) operate on an electric motor, instead of an internal-combustion engine (ICE) that generates power by burning a mix of fuel and gases.

A hybrid electric vehicle runs exclusively on electric energy stored in a battery, while a hybrid car runs on a combination of electricity and conventional fuel.

Level 1 equipment offers charging through 120-volt AC outlet.

  • 40-50 hours to charge a battery electric vehicle (EV/BEV) from empty.
  • 5-6 hours to charge a plug in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) from empty.

Level 2 equipment offers charging through 240-volt

  • 4-10 hours to charge a battery electric vehicle (EV/BEV) from empty.
  • 1-2 hours charge a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) from empty.

Level 3 equipment offers charging through 480-volt direct current plug, also called Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC).

  • Most DCFC equipment can charge a EV/BEV to 80% charge in 20 minutes to an hour.
  • Most PHEVs currently on the market do not work with fast charges.