Knowing how most Americans consume energy in the home and learning ways to control that consumption is powerful information that will help you make important decisions about electricity usage to help save money on your bill.

Where in your home are you using the most electricity? Can you change your use to reduce your costs? Download the DIY Home Energy Audit Checklist to assess your at-home energy use and determine where to reduce energy use to save money on your bill.

Explore DIY Home Energy Savings projects for step-by-step guides to do-it-yourself home energy improvements; visit Energy Saver.

Energy Resources

Energy Savings Tips

Energy Tips

View our "Energy Savings Tips" guide.

101 Ways To Save

101 Ways to Save Energy and Money

View our "101 Ways To Save Energy and Money" guide.

Home Energy Savings

Home Energy

View our "Home Energy Savings Guide". 



View our "Questions To Ask When Replacing Your HVAC" guide.

Commercial Energy

Commercial Energy Savings

View our "Commercial Energy Savings" guide.

DIY Home Energy Checklist


View our "DIY Home Energy Checklist".