Vendors & Contractors

DEMCO is committed to strategically acquiring goods and services that provide the best value for the benefit of our co-op members.

DEMCO is an equal opportunity employer committed to promoting emerging small businesses, minority-owned businesses, and women-owned businesses, and to utilizing labor surplus firms.

DEMCO partners with a diverse group of providers who share our core values of safety and ethics.

DEMCO’s Procurement Department now uses Bonfire, an online vendor registration, e-procurement, and contract management solution. The system allows vendors to register for business with DEMCO, receive instant notification of bidding opportunities, submit bids and proposals electronically, and update contract documents online. 

Vendors are required to register and create a free profile on Bonfire to gain access and download solicitations. 

  • No charge to register
  • Automatically receive notifications by email of posted bids and amendments
  • Communicate with our procurement team during the bid and RFX question and answer period through the online message center
  • Complete and submit your bid or proposal response online
  • Available 24 hours with internet access

The Bonfire system stores a list of vendors who have expressed an interest in doing business with DEMCO. The vendor list is a resource for internal requisitioners. Inclusion on this list does not guarantee the notification of new RFPs or RFQs, or the award of future work. Vendors interested in bidding on work with DEMCO should register on Bonfire and frequently review this webpage for solicitations.

Additional help: Visit Bonfire and click on the blue Help button to search help topics or leave a message with the Bonfire support team at or by calling 800-354-8010

For additional assistance, please email

Business Ethics

If a contractor has cause to believe that DEMCO has acted improperly or unethically during the term of a contract, the contractor is encouraged to report such conduct to DEMCO’s EthicsPoint Hotline at or call the toll-free number 1-844-704-6248. When a report is filed using the EthicsPoint website or call center, the reporter’s identity will remain confidential and anonymous.