DEMCO Foundation Assistance Application

Please be prepared to upload photocopies of receipts and/or statements detailing monthly income and expenses. The form will not submit, without these required elements.


Re-order Present Address APT. # City Parish State Zip Code How Long? Weight Operations
Re-order Previous Address APT. # City Parish State Zip Code How Long? Weight Operations
Amount Requested
Proposed Use of Funds
Proposed Use of Funds (NO UTILITY BILLS)
All Members of Household
Re-order Name Relation To Applicant Sex Date of Birth Monthly Income Source of Income or Employer Name/Phone # Weight Operations
more items
Monthly Household Expenses
(Provide copies of bills for all utilities)
Other Expenses
Please state
Total Monthly Expenses



(Provide proof of mortgage)

Re-order Mortgage Holder Name Mortgage Holder Address Mortgage Telephone Number Amount $ Weight Operations
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Provide proof of mortgage 
Notes Payable

Provide proof of outstanding note

Re-order Lender's Name Lender's Address Lender's Telephone Number Amount $ Weight Operations
more items
Other Debit

(State type: taxes, bills outstanding, other)
(Show proof of debt)

Re-order Type Amount $ Weight Operations
more items
Sources of Monthly Household Income
Employer Information
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
(Please state; alimony, child support, other)
Total Sources of Monthly Income


Please list three references. (May not be a director or employee of Dixie Electric Membership Corporation (DEMCO) or the DECO Foundation.)

Re-order Name Phone Number Address City State Zip Code Relationship to Applicant Weight Operations
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Assets - What the Applicant Owns
Checking and/or Savings accounts
Re-order Banking Institution Amount Weight Operations
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Real Estate
Re-order Partially or Wholly Owned Parish Market Value $ Weight Operations
more items
(Home and/or land)
Re-order Description Identification Number Value $ Weight Operations
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(Stocks, bonds, etc.)
Re-order Make Model Year License Number Value $ Weight Operations
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Re-order Type Value $ Weight Operations
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(State type: personal property, loan receivable, life insurance [cash value], other assets. Include description, account number, etc.)
Additional Comments

The information contained in this statement is for the purpose of obtaining funding from the D E M O Foundation for the benefit of the undersigned (applicant). The applicant understands that the information provided will be used in deciding whether to grant funding, and individually represents and warrants that the information provided is true and complete and that the DEMO Foundation may consider this statement as continuing to be true and correct until a written notice of change is provided. The DEMCO Foundation is authorized to make all inquiries deemed necessary to verify the accuracy of the statements made on this application, including credit information concerning the applicant. The applicant grants to the DEMO Foundation the right to check any and all credit references with respect to the information contained in the application and the applicant waives any right to restrict the D E M O Foundation's access to such credit information. Applicant understands that if such credit information is made unavailable to the DEMO Foundation, the DEMO Foundation may reject the application. Information may be shared with an independent case manager and/or any other group of association providing assistance to persons in need. All information will be kept in the strictest confidence and will be used for the purposes intended.

I  understand that the D E M O Foundation has the right to fully audit the use of the donation at any time. I also understand that the DEMCO Foundation may use this application, if approved, for publicity and promotional purposes, but that my name and address will not be used for this purpose unless approved by me prior to the promotion.


I do hereby release from any and al liability and do hold harmless, indemnify, and defendDixie Electric Membership Corporation ("DEMCO"), DEMO Foundation, Inc. (the"DEMCO Foundation"), and all DEMCO affiliates and subsidiaries, including all of the foregoing entities' employees, directors, attorneys, and agents (collectively, the "DEMCO Entities") for any inferior quality work or damages of any kind I have or will sustain resulting from any work performed, services or goods supplied, or any other assistance of any kind which has been funded or assisted by the DEMO Entities, any contractor, or any other third parties in connection with the grant I am applying for from the D E M O Foundation.

I recognize that the grant I have applied for from the DEMCO Foundation, as well as any services, goods, work, or other assistance provided, constitute a philanthropic act and charitable donation to me from the DEMOFoundation. I further recognize that this donation from the D E M O Foundation is not a contract and no consideration has been received by the D E M O Entities. If funded I will voluntarily accept the grant and donation from the D E M O Foundation and the D E M O Entities shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever t o me for any work, services, goods, or other assistance funded or provided by either the DEMCO Entities or any third parties that may be engaged or hired,WITH MY PERMISSION ANDAT MY DIRECTION, to provide said work, services, goods, or other assistance.

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