Net Metering is available to DEMCO residential and commercial members. To assist members in setting up and expediting net metering, we ask that you note and adhere to the following items. All requirements in the attached documentation apply and are utilized to govern in the event of a conflict with the items listed below.
All facilities included in and associated with the proposed Net Metered Solar Installation must be installed in accordance with the latest applicable edition of the National Electrical Code, all applicable local codes, the equipment manufacturers' recommendations and requirements, and applicable industry standards.
The installation must include an AC Disconnect that isolates and separates the Net Metered Solar Installation from DEMCO's Electric Utility System. The referenced disconnect must be located on the building's exterior within 5 (five) feet of the DEMCO meter, must be accessible and operable by DEMCO personnel, must be lockable by DEMCO personnel using a standard padlock, and must be appropriately labeled as an AC Net Metered or Solar Disconnect in accordance with National Electrical Code requirements.
The Net Metered Solar Installation must be permitted and inspected by the local permitting and inspecting authority. Final system verification and interconnection by DEMCO cannot be completed until the system has passed final inspection by the local governing authority. Confirmation of passage of the final inspection should be indicated by the inspector executing, signing, and dating Section 4, Item 1 of the "Standard Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering Facilities". DEMCO, at its discretion, may accept a Final Inspection Certificate indicating inspection passage in lieu of the inspector's signature.
All documentation required in the attached agreement and documents, including an electrical one-line diagram of the system, should be submitted with the application for DEMCO's review and approval.

- Licensed Installer shall consult with the local Parish permit office to obtain proper permits.
- Submit the following to before installing any electrical equipment:
- Net Metering Interconnection Application
- Failure to notify DEMCO of installation will result in the disconnection of the system.
- Failure to notify DEMCO of installation will result in the disconnection of the system.
- An accurate and detailed one-line diagram from the power generation equipment to the system point of interconnection.
- A site map is required to show the location of all components.
- The Energy Services Coordinator will approve the application and diagram and notify the solar vendor of the next step
- Net Metering Interconnection Application
- After the system has been installed and passed a parish electrical inspection, the Parish permit office will send DEMCO the final permit.
- The Energy Services Coordinator will schedule an on-site inspection with the installer.
- If the inspection passes:
- DEMCO will reprogram the meter and set up the Member’s account to be net-metered and send a confirmation email to both the vendor and member a release to operate.
- DEMCO will reprogram the meter and set up the Member’s account to be net-metered and send a confirmation email to both the vendor and member a release to operate.
- If the inspection fails:
- The Energy Services Coordinator will contact the solar vendor advising the reason for the failed inspection and request the matter be resolved.
- The Energy Services Coordinator will schedule an on-site inspection with the installer.
- Placards Requirements for Distributed Energy Installation - Your system should be labeled correctly prior to an on-site inspection with DEMCO.
- Disconnect- Your system must include a UL-listed AC disconnect switch that provides a visible break, is lockable in the open position, and is located within 5 feet of the meter and the sub-panel or other connection to the generating facility. Your disconnect switch must be accessible to DEMCO personnel at any time of the day.
- Inverter- All inverters shall be IEEE 1547 and UL 1741 listed.
- NEC- All installations shall meet the requirements found in the latest National Electric Code (NEC).
- Other
- Have a generating power of no more than 100 kilowatts (kW).
- Be located on the premises of a DEMCO member.
Solar Facts & Myths
As your trusted energy advisor, we want our Members to make informed and educated decisions before they go solar. Here are some common myths that high-pressure salespeople may use:
Fact: While it is possible your system may produce enough electricity to cover usage, fees, and taxes in a given month, on average, a properly sized solar system installed in the correct orientation will provide approximately 40 to 50 percent of your home’s energy needs. The other 60 to 50 percent of your home’s energy needs will be provided by DEMCO.
Fact: Unless your home has a backup battery storage system, your solar system will not operate during an outage because the inverter, which is a key component of a solar system, needs power to continuously function.
Fact: There are a lot of factors at play (for example, the size of the system, cost, the home’s energy consumption and the efficiency of the system) but with today’s cost, it could take 20 to 30 years for most to see a return on their investment.