New Residential Subdivision

If you are planning to develop a new residential subdivision of fourteen lots or more with two-hundred front lot footage or less, let our business development assist you.

The subdivision must be 14 lots or more with front lot footage of 200 feet or less to qualify for underground construction cost of $5.00 per front lot foot, unless the Louisiana Public Service Commission makes a change.

Required for Service Application:

  • Project Plan (pdf)
    • All servitudes (utility, sewer, and drainage)
    • Road names.
    • Lot dimensions.
    • Lot numbers.
  • CAD/DWG File
  • Vicinity Map & Scale
  • Sewer Layout
  • Drainage Layout
  • Typical Road Section
  • DEMCO Subdivision Load Data Sheet
  • Other Meter Locations
    • Entrance lights
    • Fountains

Email Application Package to:




Heather Verrett 
Business Development Manager
(o): 225.262.2890 (c): 225.397.1591

Hannah Watts  
Business Development Coordinator
(o): 225.262.2890 (c): 225.3964.7111

Penny Fruge 
Business Development Specialist
(o): 225.262.2891 (c): 225.341.9984